Get Nikola Tesla Quotes God Images. The gift of mental power comes from god, divine being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with. I have observed in the house of morgan a largeness, nobility and firmness of character the like of which is very scarce indeed.
But history has shown us the magnitude of his work, a sentiment best expressed by fiorello laguardia's eulogy: 31 outstanding quotes from nikola tesla. For tesla's fan, know that tesla's idea of free electricity is nothing more than an idea that will not work.
May his quotes inspire you to be the inventor of your dreams.
It might as well be said that god has properties. Although he died in 1943, some of his quotes still serve a lot of purpose for us today. Nikola tesla was never the marrying type, as he thought that being in a relationship would interfere with his work. I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties.